This space recognizes longstanding, past and present collaborators of the Peace Company. We thank them for their support and look forward to continuing to serve together.
United States Institute of Peace
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is the independent, nonpartisan conflict management center created by Congress to prevent and mitigate international conflict without resorting to violence. USIP works to save lives, increase the government's ability to deal with conflicts before they escalate, reduce government costs, and enhance national security. USIP organizes its work in accordance with the three phases of conflict: prevention, mediation and resolution, post-conflict stabilization. The institute is made of three Centers, with the fourth set of centers whose issues cross each phases of conflict.
The Alliance for Peacebuilding
The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is the institutional home for the leading peacebuilding institutions and professionals in the United States and around the world. As a connector of key people and institutions, AfP is a platform for creativity and collaboration. Members of AfP are directly engaged in applied conflict prevention and resolution. The role of AfP is to bring these organizations together for collaborative peacebuilding. AFP also hosts a broad array of informative and engaging workshops, seminars and learning exchanges throughout the year in Washington DC and beyond.
The National Peace Academy
The National Peace Academy supports, advances and nurtures cultures of peace by conducting research and facilitating learning toward the development of peace systems – local to global – and the development of the full spectrum of the peacebuilder – inner and outer, personal and professional. In all its operations, internal and external, the National Peace Academy strives to embody and reflect the principles and processes of peace.
The Peace Education Foundation
The Peace Education Foundation is a leader in the field of conflict resolution curricula and training. We write and publish materials that are currently in use in more than 20,000 schools around the world. Our mission is to educate children and adults in the dynamics of conflict and promote skills of peacemaking in our homes, schools, community, the nation and the world.
University for Peace
Headquartered in Costa Rica, the United Nations-mandated University for Peace was established in December 1980 as a Treaty Organization by the UN General Assembly. The mission of the University for Peace is:“to provide humanity with an international institution of higher education for peace with the aim of promoting among all human beings the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, to stimulate cooperation among peoples and to help lessen obstacles and threats to world peace and progress, in keeping with the noble aspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations.”
Peace and Collaborative Development Network
The Peace and Collaborative Development Network (PCDN) is a free professional networking site with over 22,000 members from around the world. Their mission is to foster dialogue and sharing of resources in international development, conflict resolution, gender mainstreaming, human rights, social entrepreneurship and related fields. Numerous educational opportunities and learning resources are available and promoted daily.
Search for Common Ground
SFCG is a leading international peacebuilding organization with a long history of successful impact around the world. SFCG’s mission is to transform the way the world deals with conflict: away from adversarial approaches, toward cooperative solutions. Our goal is to make finding common ground the common thing. SFCG takes various approaches to peacebuilding, including traditional conflict resolution techniques; radio and television; Common Ground journalism; and arts and culture.
Peacebuilding and The Arts Program, International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life at Brandeis University
The program in Peacebuilding and the Arts collaborates with artists who work in divided communities, supporting them to reflect on, document, and strengthen their practice. The lessons from these collaborations are accessible through publications, trainings, courses, and this virtual resource center. The program works to strengthen the practice and nexus of the arts and conflict transformation by generating and disseminating knowledge, and facilitating networks of effective action. We lead courses, weekend intensives and institutes, produce resources, and maintain a resource library.
Teachers Without Borders - Peace Education
Teachers Without Borders connects teachers to information and each other to create lasting change. Teachers Without Borders believes that teachers can lead the way towards peace in their classrooms and communities. Their Peace Education Program is designed to help in this pursuit. By providing teachers with a framework for peace education, TWB is contributing to the growing movement towards a global culture of peace.
3P Human Security
The mission of 3P Human Security is to foster understanding and support for conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the US government. 3P emphasizes the need for local civil society perspectives, principled negotiation, peace process support strategies, and sustainable development in security policymaking. 3P’s vision is for the U.S. to act as a partner in the family of nations to support global human security.
Common Ground News Service
CGNews articles present constructive ideas, provide solutions, humanize the other, offer hope and/or shed light on a variety of issues. As an initiative of the international conflict transformation organization Search for Common Ground, CGNews welcomes all stakeholders to share their perspectives on key issues affecting Muslim-Western relations and on race relations in the United States.
TechChange : The Institute for Technology and Social Change
TechChange partners with universities, organizations and software developers to train leaders to leverage emerging technologies for social change.
Global Peace Film Festival
The Global Peace Film Festival was established to utilize the power of the motion picture to further the goal of peace on earth. With a mission to expand the definition of peace beyond anti-war, ideology, activism or specific causes, the Global Peace Film Festival films and events suggest a more personal message as reflected in the daily lives of individuals and communities the world over.
The Institute for Sustainable Peace
The Institute for Sustainable Peace's mission is to reconcile leaders of groups in conflict, train them to work together in their diversity, and mentor them as they serve their communities. Our work currently focuses on the Balkans and Sudan, two regions that have suffered intense violent conflict, civil wars and genocide, and on our headquarters city, Houston, Texas.
HasNa works at the grassroots level to create communication and collaboration among ethnically divided peoples, providing the tools and ongoing assistance to support small-scale, sustainable efforts aimed at economic and social development. HasNa works primarily in Turkey and Cyprus.
International Center for Religion and Diplomacy
ICRD serves as a bridge between religion and politics in support of peacemaking; deploys inter-religious action teams to trouble spots where conflict threatens or has already erupted; trains religious leaders and laity in the tasks of peacemaking; provides feedback to theologian and clergy on interpretations of their teachings that may be contributing to strife and misunderstanding.
The Forgiveness Project
The Forgiveness Project is a UK-based charitable organisation which explores forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution through real-life human experience.
Generations for Peace
Generations For Peace is an international non-governmental charitable organisation dedicated to the innovative and sustainable use of sport for peace building and development.
The Art of Living Foundation
The Art of Living Foundation is a not-for-profit, educational and humanitarian NGO engaged in stress-management and service initiatives, operating globally in 151 countries. It has spread peace through diverse humanitarian projects, including conflict resolution, disaster relief, sustainable rural development, empowerment of women, prisoner rehabilitation, education for all, and environmental sustainability.
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International Association for Human Values
IAHV is an international humanitarian and educational non-governmental organization committed to promote resurgence of human values in all aspects of life across the globe.
Women Uniting for Humanity
Women Uniting for Humanity’s goal is to share insights around what each of us is learning as women practicing new paradigms of power and feminine leadership; and exchange information related to our missions and key initiatives in order to co-create new alignments and strategies that integrate the best of what each has to offer, elevating each group and initiative to yet another level of effectiveness and capacity.
Nobel Women’s Initiative
It is the heartfelt mission of the Nobel Women’s Initiative to work together as women Nobel Peace Prize Laureates to use the visibility and prestige of the Nobel prize to promote, spotlight, and amplify the work of women’s rights activists, researchers, and organizations worldwide addressing the root causes of violence, in a way that strengthens and expands the global movement to advance nonviolence, peace, justice and equality.
Youth and Nobel Peace Laureates working together to change the world.
Parents Circle - Families Forum
PCFF is a grassroots organization of bereaved Palestinians and Israelis. The PCFF promotes reconciliation as an alternative to hatred and revenge.
Bioneers is a non-profit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet. Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with nature-inspired approaches for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.
Seeds of Peace
Seeds of Peace is dedicated to empowering young leaders from regions of conflict with the leadership skills required to advance reconciliation and coexistence. From 46 Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian teenagers in 1993, the organization has expanded its programming to include young leaders from South Asia, Cyprus and the Balkans. Its leadership network now encompasses over 4,300 young people.
Just Vision
While violent extremism receives front-page exposure, courageous nonviolence leaders and peacebuilders are relegated to occasional human interest stories. Consequently, at Just Vision, we work to ensure that these Palestinian and Israeli civic leaders are not only taken seriously as partners in the quest for peace, but are also more visible, valued and influential in their efforts.
Co-operation Ireland is the leading peace-building charity on the island of Ireland. Our mission is to 'advance mutual understanding and respect by promoting practical co-operation between the people of Northern Ireland and of the Republic of Ireland'.
The Nelson Mandela Foundation
The Nelson Mandela Foundation contributes to the making of a just society by promoting the vision, values and work of its Founder and convening dialogue around critical social issues.
Art for Peace Center - Centro Arte Para la Paz
Based in Suchitoto, El Salvador, the Center’s mission is to develop and promote a culture of peace through the arts, creativity, imagination and cultural exchange. Our programs contribute to the culture of peace by: building cultural identity and unity within the community, teaching skills to support self-sufficiency and critical thinking, promoting environmental awareness, teaching gender equality, exploring nurturing spiritualities as well as building bridges between cultures.
bDance 4 Peace is a conflict resolution, civic education program that promotes empathy, understanding, mediation skills, anger management, emotional and civic engagement through dance in youth around the world. Today, the program is being implemented in Washington, D.C.; New York City; Baltimore; Colombia; the Philippines; and Nepal.
Ishyo Arts Center
Ishyo Arts Centre is the Rwandese cultural hub dedicated to giving artists and cultural producers more opportunities for creativity – be they in the fine arts, theatre, music, film, literature or dance. It establishes international partnerships and strengthens the communication between audiences and art practitioners.
Acting Together
Acting Together, a collaboration between Brandeis University and Theatre Without Borders, documents peacebuilding performance, highlighting artists, peacebuilders, and community leaders from every continent whose rituals and theatrical works speak truth to power and support communities to mourn losses and build bridges across differences.
Kids with Cameras
Kids with Cameras is a non-profit organization that teaches the art of photography to marginalized children in communities around the world. The Academy Award-winning documentary, Born into Brothels, captures the work of Kids with Cameras in Calcutta’s red light district.
The Boniuk Center for Religious Tolerance at Rice University
The Boniuk Center is dedicated to nurturing tolerance among people of all and no faiths, especially youth, and to studying the conditions in which tolerance and intolerance flourish. Our mission is to understand the conditions that make peaceful coexistence possible and to promote these conditions locally, nationally and throughout the world.
Brigid’s Place
Brigid's Place is dedicated to the development of women in mind, body and spirit. Our purpose is to promote ecumenical relationships which are mutual, inclusive, and provide unity in diversity; relationships whose basis is love and "power with" rather than "power over" or privilege.
Alaweed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University
The Center's mission is to improve relations between the Muslim world and the West and enhance understanding of Muslims in the West.
Global Youth Connect
GYC advances human rights and creates a more just world by empowering young activists from around the globe through a combination of cross cultural human rights learning workshops, volunteer service, and sustained human rights activism aligned with grassroots NGOs, policy makers, and other stakeholders.
Amigos de las Américas (AMIGOS)
bAMIGOS is an international, non-profit organization that empowers high school and college students to develop leadership skills and increase multi-cultural understanding through training and community service in Latin America.
Ploughshares Fund
Ploughshares Fund is the largest grantmaking foundation in the U.S. dedicated exclusively to security and peace funding.
CIC works to enhance multilateral responses to global problems, including: conflict, humanitarian crises, and recovery; international security challenges, including weapons proliferation and the changing balance of power; and resource scarcity and climate change.
The Center for International Conflict Resolution (CICR) at Columbia University, New York
CICR contributes to the resolution of international deadly conflict through research, education and practice.
American Friends Service Committee
AFSC is a Quaker organization devoted to service, development, and peace programs throughout the world. Our work is based on the belief in the worth of every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.
Community of Sant’Egidio
Sant’Egidio is a movement based in Italy that emphasizes apostolate with outcast groups. It is a “Church public lay association” that in recent years has been involved in mediating international disputes. Some members of the community were key facilitators or mediators in peace negotiations in Mozambique and Guatemala.
ADVOCACY is an online advocacy platform that empowers anyone, anywhere to start, join, and win campaigns for social change. We believe that building momentum for social change globally means empowering citizen activists locally.
Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers.
We are a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.
Grameen Foundation
The Grameen Foundation was founded in 1997 by friends of Grameen Bank to help microfinance practitioners and spread the Grameen philosophy worldwide. Our goal is to see poor people, especially the poorest and those living in harder to reach areas, have access to microfinance and technology and as a result of access to these services, move themselves out of poverty.
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