If The World Were a Village
by David J. Smith
A Book about the World’s People
At this moment, there are more than 6 billion people on the
planet! It’s hard to picture so many people at one time—but
what if we imagine the whole world as a village of just 100
people? In this village:
- 22 people speak a Chinese dialect
- 20 earn less than a dollar a day
- 17 cannot read or write
- 60 are always hungry
- 24 have television in their homes
If the World Were a Village tells us who we are, where we
live, how fast we are growing, what religions we practice
and more. What you find out may surprise you! This beautifully
illustrated book is an intercultural joy suitable for all
ages. Hardcover, 32 pages.
BOK-108 If the World Were a Village…………..$15.95